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Here at the CWLU we recognize the influence that we have drawn both from other movements, like the Civil Rights Movement and the Student’s Movement, and other arenas, such as Socialist Ideology. In the formulation of our ideals, vision, and projects, we pursue the path of Socialist Feminism.

The key underpinning of this Socialist Feminism lies in the assertion that every claim, issue, power struggle and injustice is political. Therefore, every decision and action has a political implication.

In our November 1972 newsletter “Socialist Feminism: A Strategy for the Women’s Movement” we diagnose the problem of society from this particular world view as we recognize the entrenched nature of oppression:

“Many analyses have identified various institutions (e.g., the family or sexual relations) as the crucial contradiction of sexism. However, these contradictions reflect the social relations of a sexist society, or institutions in which sexism occurs. Eliminating these ‘prime factors’ would neither eliminate sexism nor necessarily create supportive alternatives for women. As the factory may be the locus for capitalist exploitation, it is not the basis of that exploitation. Private ownership and profit is the basis, giving rise to the class relations. Similarly, the family is a crucial locus of sexist oppression but it is not the basis of that exploitation. Control by men over women and the relegation of women to secondary roles is the basis of sexism, giving rise to a sexist society.” (CWLU, 1972)

“…what is important is not just a redistribution in goods but a change in authority, control and ideas.” (CWLU, 1972)

Click here to access an explanation of Socialist Feminism and CWLU’s vision for the future! This Pamphlet is the product of the collaborative effort of Heather Booth, Day Creamer, Susan Davis, Deb Dobbin, Robin Kaufman, and Tobey Klass.

Quotation and Excerpt Citation:

Chicago Women’s Liberation Union, Hyde Park Chapter. Soicalist Feminism: A Strategy for the Women’s Movement. Chicago: Hyde Park Chapter Chicago Women’s Liberation Union, 1972. 6.

Chicago Women’s Liberation Union, Hyde Park Chapter. Soicalist Feminism: A Strategy for the Women’s Movement. Chicago: Hyde Park Chapter Chicago Women’s Liberation Union, 1972. 3-4.